فرع القاهرة : 11 شارع على بهجت – متفرع من مصر والسودان – حدائق القبة
فرع الاسكندريه : برج سلسبيل ٨ شارع ٢٨٩ متفرع من شارع كمال الدين صلاح قسم سيدى جابر - سموحة
Stay connected up to 7 days
Full disclosure Holter ECG monitoring from 24 to 168 hrs. Don’t miss a beat!
On screen electrode placement check
Real-time on-screen ECG display for accurate hookups.
3/12 recording channels
While CardiUP!12 can be used on 3/12 channels for those, who prefer the classic resting ECG layout system, CardiUP!3 is available in a 3-channel version only.
Standard mini USB connection
No special cable is needed for communication.
Manual programming option
The large LCD screen makes it possible to program the monitor manually by using the 3 menu operation buttons.
Powerful, free software with printable reports
CardioVisions provides automatic beat-by-beat ECG, ST, PQ, QT and HRV analysis for free. The QRS detection algorithm of the software is 99.9% accurate according to AHA and MIT database. CardiUP!12 sample report